Friday, August 28, 2009

DAWN dish soap helps save wildlife!

If you use Dawn dish soap, this is for you:
Go to this website: and enter a code, found on the bottom of all Dawn dish soap bottles. For each code, Dawn donates $1 to saving wildlife. Pretty cool, huh?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Round 2

Here it is, August again! Another year of school is underway (well, halfway Palco doesn't start til next Monday!) I cannot believe how fast time goes!
I had an absolutely wonderful summer! A trip to Florida, followed by Vegas, a huge graduation party, and lots of visiting with the family. Coming back was rough...but I made it!
I'm lacking the motivation to be back in the school routine yet. When I'm at school with the kids, I'm lovin it, but it's been hard for me to spend time lesson planning and such. Instead, I've been facebooking, shopping, and catching up on missed TV (did anyone else realize "Real World Cancun" ran through the summer?)
Speaking of the real world, I feel a bit shut off from it. I know everyone is busy, but it just seems like the opportunities to call and catch up are few and far between. A big switch from the summer lifestyle I had grown accustomed to!
Heading out to the big city of Hays this morning, returning some movies to the Redbox (I highly recommend "I Love You Man" but "17 Again" not so much...

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The End

I started this blog back in August, as the school year was beginning. Now, it has come to an end. Wow!
Life is good, I am glad to be "done" for a few months.
Just returned from Kansas State FFA Convention, which was an awesome experience! There were two magnificant speakers, I recommed you look up Grant Baldwin and Ed Gerety, both shared a great message with the students.
I had the opportunity to help at the Rooks County Spring Show yesterday. It was really awesome to see young exhibitors showing beef, sheep, and swine, and all of the knowledge they posses.
Today is my first real day of vacation, I slept in til 8:00 I have lots to do, clean this place up, maybe run to Hays, and enjoy this beautiful weater!
Til later,

Sunday, April 12, 2009

He is Risen!

Happy Easter everyone! I have been so absorbed in the Easter season, so looking forward to today, it was uniquely special. How amazing it is :)
Church this morning was rough, as I looked around, seeing large families gather to celebrate our Lord's resurrection, I missed my own, I missed our quaint little church, the excitement of the egg hunt to follow, and even the 1.5 hr drive with Herb down to Cbus for lunch with the fam.
Things got better when I joined the Mc's for a family lunch in Hays. It was so awesome to be welcomed by the whole crew, to have a delicious meal, and even to play dominoes with the littlest one.
A few thoughts...
  • I'm SUPER excited for a new baby in our family...countdown til October 23rd (maybe he or she will come early, on my mom's bday?)
  • I cannot get enough of Son In Law, it's been replaying on CMT just about every day. Pauly Shore has the ability to make me laugh like no other
  • 3 Exciting vacations in the works for this summer. First time to Texas, 2nd time to Vegas, and fourth or so time to Florida (first time to this side of the coast :)

That's about it, now back to Son In Law (it's an obsession)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm official!

I passed the Praxis Ag. Content test! Just learned the good news today. I had kept things hush hush because I was honestly afraid that I might not pass the first time. People, this was a tough test! If you can imagine all the agriculture in America, now chose 100 random multiple choice questions from that bank...yeah, it wasn't easy! Everything from "this breed of horse has the greatest number of registries in the USA" to "what is the name for the group of neutral colors used in floral design" But I've passed, I'm done, and finally, I can apply for a permanent teaching license in Kansas, yippee!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

January 26, 2009

I have not blogged in ages, so I assume I've lost my following...what following, you may ask? lol
This weekend was a fun one! Friday night I ran concessions with the FFA Chapter. A lot of work, but a good money maker for us!
After concessions, I went over to a friend's house to chill and chat. It was a great time, much needed!
Slept in on Saturday, then ran to Hays for liccorice. Got my eyebrows waxed for the first time here, she did an OK job, but my right eye is still red...oh well.
Saturday evening was the Palco staff Christmas part at Thirsty's in Hays. What an awesome event! We met for dinner and drinks and really enjoyed our selves! Less than half of our staff was present, but the fun ones came, that's what matters.
This will be a busy week. Thursday and Friday, I'll be out for Ag. Ed. Symposium, here in Hays.